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Add HumPool Account
The HumPool account configuration require 2 parameters Api Key, Sub-Account name to make available monitoring account in MinerBox.
For simplifiying address insertion and transfer the QR codes mechanizm are implemented.
The steps for adding account are:
1. Open your account WEB and navigate to user Account Settings -> API Key.
2. Create new API key.
3. Set Read-Only data access.
4. Pass security verifucation.
5. Write down generated API Key and Sub-Account name.
6. Navigate to "Mining Account" and write down Sub-Account name.
7. Open app "Select pool" view by pressing "+" on Accounts tab and choose appropriate HumPool item.
8. In openned fields write down appropriate key values ( Api Key, Sub-Account name) or you can use QR scanner for easy input.
*for usinq QR codes, paste easch key (Api Key, Sub-Account name) one by one in any online QR generators
and scan with app according field by pressing QR symbol.
10. Press "Status check" button after filling out all fields and if it's colored green then all is OK. Red colored button mean issue with address or account data and the account can't be added so you should double check generated keys and fields values.
11. Press "Save account" and track account.